Saturday, September 5, 2009

Global Warming Begins ... 1680

Here is a link to a 2007 interview with Climatologist Timothy Ball. This is one man's opinion, I understand that. And, I agree with the necessity of ongoing research and good science. It is maddening to see a so-called consensus and the declaration the debate is over.

This article is entitled "The Politics of Global Warming". In my opinion, this has turned into a political circus. And worse than that ... the far left has adopted climate as a religion, and a way to achieve far left goals such as government control of all energy use and consumption, not to mention individual choices about lifestyle.

Mr. Ball (as well as significant others) believes global warming began around 1680, at the end of the Little Ice Age. Here is a snipet:

Q: Is the globe warming and what is the cause?

A: Yeah, the world has been warming since 1680 and the cause is changes in the sun. But in their computer models they hardly talk about the sun at all and in the IPCC summary for policy-makers they don’t talk about the sun at all. And of course, if they put the sun into their formula in their computer models, it swamps out the human portion of CO2, so they can’t possibly do that.

Please read the interview at:

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